Tutor4k. dude gets vengeance on marvelous tutor by drilling her cunt

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Tutor 4k
The video of the seductive and talented "TUTOR4K" has become quite a rage in the adult entertainment industry. This is the follow up to his recent release "Sensation", where Guy got back at his cheating girlfriend by drilling her pussy with his large penis. Since then, he has become quite popular in the adult scene with his sizzling performances in movies such as" Witches Brew", "Horny Weekend" and "Romeo and Juliet". This is only the beginning though, as Guy is also set to star in the upcoming "American Ultra" movie, due out in 2009 from director Alex Cross and starring Tiffany Hoffman and Demi Moore. If you are a big fan of Guy's work or simply want to see more of it in the big screen, then make sure to check this out..